How to Donate
Cash Donations:
We always need cash! Cash is used to purchase toys, clothing, and supplies for the event.
None of the money goes to OWCAP personnel, because we are all unpaid volunteers! OWCAP donates its resources to the event. On all subject lines please write to OWCAP
However, due to tax reasons, donations are accepted by OWCAP a 501(C)(3).
Please donate below:
Please write Community Christmas in the comments of the donation so that the money can go to the event.
Or, we can accept checks mailed to our partner OWCAP at:
3159 Grant Ave
Ogden UT 84401
Please make checks payable to OWCAP with Community Christmas in the memo line.
Items in Need:
Please take in-kind donations to any of our giving tree locations - find locations here.
We accept new items for children infant to 18, such as:
Baby wipes, diapers, and pull-ups​​
Winter blankets
Princess or superhero anything
Dress-up clothing & activity sets
Legos, blocks, building toys
Winter clothing (hats, gloves, scarves, boots, coats, snowsuits)
Shoes, socks, tights
Play/school clothing, and church clothing (dresses, dress slacks, etc.)
Thank so much for your generosity!
Please write Community Christmas in the comments of the donation so that the money can go to the event.